Great game
I love this game I have been with the franchise since NOVA 2 and I love it. The campaign is awesome fast paced, lots of action, and very hard. Now to the multiplayer. The multiplayer is definitely my favorite part of this game. It is especially good considering its on IOS. I am finally a level 100 with a jet pack, rocket launcher and lightning gun after months of playing. Now I couldnt find much things two be negative about but here are the two biggest things I could think of:
1. In the multiplayer there are more hackers than I can count! Game loft you really need to crack down on the hackers and ban them. Its so annoying when I join for example a free for all and theres a hacker running around with unlimited invincibility and unlimited jet pack ruining everyones fun!
2. The other thing is the glitch where people use makes to I guess you could put it "fall out of the world" its so annoying because they will just stand there sniping you and unfortunately you cant shoot them. I have only ever seen this done on badlands and lost world but unfortunately these are my two favorite maps! :( Gameloft this is a glitch that needs to be fixed!
Gabertastic about N.O.V.A. 3: Premium Edition, v1.0.5